Saturday, September 3, 2011

I Like Blue-How About You?

Hand printed French Zuber, wallpaper boarder, in my blue guest room. 

The Victorians always pained there outside porch ceilings blue, the theory being, birds and bugs would mistake it for the sky.I am not sure that always works, but, we have to be traditional.

The cushions on the wicker furniture are blue to match the porch  ceiling.

Blue  pillows from my blue guest room. Antique Tambour lace curtains were cut and lined with blue damask to make this pillow.

    Blue is a primary color,(red,blue,yellow),from these three colors, all other colors are made. The word if from the Old French word-"bleu". The modern English word,"blue",comes from the middle English-"bleu or blewe". The German word is,"biao". "Bleu", replaced old English, "baw"--and means light.The French word "bleu"-meaning beautiful water,or sky.In the English language, blue may refer  to the feeling of sadness. This is because blue is related to rain and storms. The phrase,"feeling blue," is linked also to a custom among many old time sailing ships. If someone was lost at sea, a blue flag was flown and a blue stripe was painted around the hull.
   Natural dyes, such as indigo were used to produce blue for cloth coloring.Was once a huge money making crop in the South.
    In the English language, blue, often represents the human emotion of sadness. In German, to be blue is to be drunk. Blue is commonly used to symbolize the male gender, but in early 1800's. it was used to mark the female gender. This was switched around after 1900.
   Blue is calming. It can be strong and stead fast, or light and friendly. Almost every one ,likes some shade of blue.I like blue-how about you?
  Blue is the national sports color for India. Blue is a national color used on flags in many countries. The blue law, is a type of law in the United States, used to enforce religious standards. Blue is associated with numerous, center-right-like-political parties of Europe. Blue is associated in Christianity, with the Virgin Mary.In the Catholic church ,Mary always is dressed in blue. Blue is considered a cool color, as it is the color of the sky or water.Blue Ribbon is a mark of the best. Blue flag means go. Blue Movie means sad. Blue Cross is a symbol of insurance. Blue Blood is a mark of a noble birth. Blue Book is a pricing agent for used cars.The Blues- is a type of music.

Large English Minton  Floor Vase, dining room.

Blue French Sevres box with cherubs from the Library.

German Meissen cherub in a shoe trinket, from the purple guest room.

Oriental carpet from the blue guest room.

Framed French fan with blue silk backing, blue guest bed room.

Portrait of a sweet girl in blue dress, blue guest bed room.

Detail of the blue dressed child painting.

    Blue is a natural color from the blue sky and water. Blue is a universal color. The cool-calming effect of blue makes time pass more quickly and it can help you sleep. Blue is a good color for bed rooms, but too much blue can dampen spirits.
 By adding white,(absent of all color)  , to blue, one gets a shade of blue. By adding black,(presents of all color), to blue, one gets a tint of blue. By adding back and white it becomes understated and elegant.I have always said to throw in a dash of blue, to cool down a room. If you want to grab attention, when decorating, use blue and a contrasting color, such as blue and yellow.

A pair of his and hers chairs, American walnut Rococo , with blue velvet, blue guest room.

Details from porcelain in blue guest room.

Needle point pillow with roses and unusual blue leaves, bed, blue guest room.

The silk, Damask ,pillows in the back ,have brown cut velvet designs. 
A blue needle point bell pull found in the blue guest room, I missed it  ,when I did my post on bell pulls.

An English Blue Jay bird under a glass dome, center of the room table, Library.

My screened in porch with blue toile pillows. 

Persian Rug from the blue guest room

Entrance hall Persian rug.

    I hope you have enjoyed our little lesson on the color blue. I have included many photos of the blue things found in, My Old Historic House. I like to use a touch of blue in almost every room. It is the same as using a blue flower in  your floral arrangement, adds life to the bouquet.
   Please stop by any time for a tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss. The blue from that old Mississippi river is right across the street and the  blue sky above, will always say, welcome.

Blue Danbute, everyday china, kitchen cabinet.

Blue tumblers

Blue accessories and a colbalt blue oil lamp, kitchen

German Meisen, tools, kitchen

Mary Alice Hadley water cooler and Bessie the cow, kitchen

I love old pained baskets.

German Meissen mirror, dining room.

Flo Blue platter,  dish pantry, dining room.
My French pillow ticking hand towels and pot holders.

French Chantal cook wear, kitchen.
 Even the dish soap is blue, fits right in.


  1. Once again, I am besotted with the blueness in your fabulous old historic house. I cannot pick out my favorite blue object, well, I'll try - definitely the blue and white dishes, the Meissen pieces, wallpaper in the guest bedroom, rug in same room, the water cooler next to Bessie (Bessie, of course), and if Sissie were wearing a blue bow, well, that would be in position #1. xo

  2. Hello Richard
    In any other circumstance I would have chosen the blue transfer ware platter as my favourite object. However, having seen the French box, I am totally smitten.

    Lovely to see all the blues in your home.


  3. It is all so beautiful.

    And LOL; Dawn.

  4. Can Sissy Girl howl the Blues? Napoleon does! Gracie plays harmonica and Napoleon lays it ON! LOL!

    Did you know the reason royals are called "blue bloods"? It is because they ate from silver their entire lives. High levels of silver cause the body tissues to take on a slight bluish cast (argyria) - thus the
    term " bluebloods " was borne to refer to the wealthy and the elite!

  5. Ms. Divine, I think you are a better teacher than me. Thanks for the blue blood lesson and Yes, Sissy can sign the Blues. LOL. RC

  6. Hi Richard I love blue also. The Zuber, wallpaper boarder is beautiful!

  7. GN my dear friend...I'm never Blue when I stop by here and see all your wonderful eye candy..I love the blue dishes as I have a blue kitchen..Love ya my friend..Give Sissy some fur love from me..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  8. Richard,

    I am loving all of your beautiful blues!!
    Especially all the blue and white dishes. I have a small collection myself. And your cobalt blue pieces!!
    Blue is also considered a "cool" color, meaning crisp and clean and refreshing.
    I have Part 2 of our weekend at the Stegmaier posted and I will be posting Part 3 on Sunday which will feature the Ladies parlor with a lot of blue in there.
    Please stop by if you find some time.
    Have a wonderful Labor day weekend!


  9. Well I'm feeling BLUE that all your BLUES are not my BLUES! Lol!
    Diggidy durn darn Richard you sure know how to bring a girl from zero to drooling in about 3.2 seconds *winks* Oooohhhhh Ahhhhhhhh beauty overload!! Vanna

  10. Best blog I've seen in a blue moon!

  11. I love your blue post, Richard! Thanks for the email - and congrats on the Victoria Homes gig and the wallpaper too!!! That is so wonderful - it made me smile. You know, a visit to you would be just the thing, I am going to try to do that very soon - would love to see you - thanks for the invite.

    Miss you and see you soon

  12. Hello Richard
    I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Your blue post is divine.. I love your blue canisters and transferware! I would spend hours on your verandah and gaze up to your blue sky. Take care.


  13. That Zuber wallpaper border and the French box, dear Richard it's making me drool!! You've showed us such amazing and beautiful blue things, I think I love them all my friend, I can't be picky!! I specially love the Meissen pieces and the china.Thanks always for sharing. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  14. Oh gosh Richard...what a great post. Love the rolling pins and the little cow hanging on the hook. Thank you for sharing more of your lovely home at the Open House party!

  15. Blue is very inspiring indeed, its my new favorite color again. Your blues are gorgeous Richard. Have a great wkend! Pearl

  16. Oh MY Richard. You are definitely a "blue" person. You know what? I never had even a smidge of blue in my decor. But in the past couple of years, we did our kitchen in blue with very pastel yellow walls. I love the combination. Take care and thanks for sharing all the great photos. Those cherubs on the mirror stole my heart. Susan

  17. What a beautiful house and interior you have. I have blue and bluish in our bedroom. LOvely and soft.My favorite is the wallpaper band, the first picture. It looks like it is real.
    Have a nice Sunday

  18. What a beautiful blue post! I love the color blue. Those cherubs in the shoe would look so nice among my blue pieces!

  19. I was never a lover of blue before, but I'm finding myself increasingly attracted to blue. I love what you've done with blue in your house.

  20. I do love blue, though I don't have much of it in my house. I loved the blue painted ceiling and the oriental rug in the guest room!

  21. Hi Richard,

    You have some amazing and beautiful treasures in your historic home. I especially love the various pillows. Blue is definitely one of my favorite colors and I enjoyed your history lesson :) Thanks for sharing and Happy Seasonal Sunday!


  22. Visiting from Sunday Favorites. I like blue too, and I love your home! It's been ages since I've been to Clarksville, but that gorgeous view you have is certainly calling my name.

  23. OMG so beautiful BLUE! Love your guest room and all of your BLUE! Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescape

  24. Totally amazing Richard but I had to back up and look at that needlepoint pillow several times....stunning and I love the cobalt blue glasses. And a big hehaw when I got to the end and saw the blue dish liquid. LOL...Hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend.

  25. Hi Richard,
    What a gorgeous home you and Sissy have!
    I have to have a touch of blue in every room. We have a blue ceiling on our front porch, we thought it was a southern thing.
    Blue doesn't seem to be very popular in today's decorating which is a shame.
    Your china is so beautiful!

  26. Richard,

    I followed you over from Southern Lagniappe, and was just mesmerized by all the shades of BLUE.

    I also found it so sweetly endearing that you are of such a domicile that you could "miss" a bell pull, that I have joined your lovely site, and will be back to visit often.


  27. Hi Richard,

    So glad you stopped by The House at Forest Manor! Thanks for signing on to follow my blog; I'm now a follower on your blog as well. I'm looking forward to reading about your historic house -- I really do love old houses :) Our first house was a 1924 Crastsman bungalow. It was a neat house. Take care and have a great week.


  28. Hello Richard,

    Ohhh have sooo many beautiful "blues", my friend...I don't even know where to begin! Hehe! I love your blue guest room...would love to be a guest in that magnificent room! One of the things that caught my attention was the beautiful shade of blue in the oriental carpet. That is a gorgeous shade of that! Do you know, I do NOT have anything blue inside my home. I'm thinking that may be a bit strange, but I do have a little blue cottage veranda that I enjoy. I also really like your French Sevres box with the sweet cherubs...ahhh! I just love things like that!

    Well my friend, thank you so much for sharing this fabulous post with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week! It was a real pleasure getting a peek at just a few of your beautiful well as all the history about the color blue...soooo interesting!

    I hope that you're enjoying the Labor Day holiday, my friend!

    Chari @Happy To Design

  29. Richard, You are so funny...ending with the Dawn Dish washing liquid! LOL
    I love blue and have also painted the ceiling of our bathroom a turquoise blue.
    I learn so much from you. Do you teach classes on the antiques that you know about and decorating. I love the wall paper border, and hand painted, oh my! Your blue guest room is so lovely and serene.
    thank you so much for your visit to my blog. I do hope that the economy picks up so that people will buy your treasures at your shop.


  30. I love blue. It has always been my favorite color. These days it has to share the spotlight with pink. One year when I was growing up everything I got for Christmas was blue...even Santa gave me everything blue that year!!

    I love the potrait of the little girl in the blue dress, so sweet. Now we just need to see Sissy Dog with a big pretty blue bow! Give her a pat on the head from me.

  31. I love various shades of blue. You have some fantastic pieces. I have a passion for cherubs, so your sevres box, and shoe spoke to me.

  32. Blue is my favorite color, so this was an enjoyable post. I wanted to paint my bedroom blue, but dithered so long on which shade that the massive antique bed arrived, and I can't move it so there will be no painting of walls now. Instead, I'm using blue in my accessories. It really makes old walnut and mahogany pop.

    Love your porch ceiling. Good for you in being traditional! I also love the bellpull, and that lovely portrait of the girl in the blue, lace-trimmed dress.

    Would love to know more about Bessie the cow someday.

