Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Apple Fest is a Comin!

This is the 6th year that, My Old Historic House, will be open for tours as part of the 33 Annual  Clarksville Apple Fest Celebration. This is how the 1845 Historic Elgin/Cottrell House Museum looks today.

   My home town, Clarksville,Missouri, population 490, is getting ready for the 33 annual Apple Fest Celebration. It is in a couple of weeks. October 8th and 9th. This is the 6 year , I have been involved with this celebration , by opening my 1845 Home for tours.Clarksville is 70 miles from St.Louis and 50 miles from Hannibal . Clarksville can be reached from Hwy. 61, 54, or 79. It is a beautiful ride on any of these highways, as Ocobter is a beautiful time to visit this part of the country. The tress always have beautiful colors and the fields are full of amber waves of grain. You are more likely than not, to see deer, wild turkey, pheasants, quail  and foxes. You will pass farm stands in every little town, selling pumpkins, Indian corn and  hale bales. Every mile or so is another old farm with a wonderful house and barn.I love to see the cows and sheep out in the pastures. seen them my whole life, but am always glad to see them again.  Tractors are in the field and there is no place like the country.
   Clarksville was started in 1817, 4 years before Missouri became a state. Early settlers soon learned that the land was just right for growing apples.For many years this area was know for there apples. In the early 1900's apples were one of the areas main source for income. A giant apple shed was built at the edge of town for sorting, sacking and shipping the apples. The apple farmers soon gave up the apples for other crops. The apple shed remains today and is now the home of ,Pike and Lincoln County Center for the Arts. Used for art shows, plays and other special events, we are lucky to have such a center in our small town.33 years ago the Arts Council got together and started the Apple Fest. It is still going strong today and is one of the most successful events in our area. Art and Craft Shows are held in the old apple shed. Food vendors are found through out town. Many locals ,host yard sales in there yards. And I, Open, My Old Historic house for tours.
   I bought the old house in the spring of 2006. After a few months of working  on it,I held the first tour, that October. I hailed it the, '"Sneak Preview Tour." Only a couple of rooms were done, there was ladders and scaffolding everywhere. But we had a tour and there has been no stopping us since. Every since that first tour my nieces come and help me do the tours. They have fun getting all dressed up in Ante Bellum dresses made for them by my dear sister. This is the 6th year for the tour and the first year that the whole house is complete and open to the public. For the past few years my famous friend Dean, comes from Chicago and plays the baby grand and sings, he is much loved and appreciated. The big celebration is always started off with a parade and the girls love that part. We decorate a truck, put them on it ,with baskets of candy and signs that say, house tour today, and down the parade route they go.It is a fun and busy weekend. I always seem to add to the fun by hosting a party on Saturday night.

This is  how the house looked that first fall, 2006, when I hosted the first tour.

This is Ms. Prissy, she is now in Heaven and Ms. Sissy has taken her place. I love you Prissy.

This is how the house looked for the first tour, fall of October 2006.

Me and the girls. The lady in purple is my sweet Sister-in-law.
    I know most of my wonderful friends ,out there on the Blog ,live far, far away. I only wish you could come for the tour and the party. I also know some of my followers and readers live close by, at least not to far. I only hope and wish that you will try and make an effort to attend. It would mean so much to me.If you need a place to stay, I have several bed rooms and lots of friends, who are willing to share there rooms.  If you can't come this time, maybe real soon. I will leave the lights on, you are always welcome and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss.
                           OCTOBER 8 AND 9  -  10:00 to 5:00 - EACH DAY
                          COME TAKE A TRIP BACK IN TIME.

My very special nieces who dress up in there Ante Bellum Costumes and help me give the tours. Linda, Sherry and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth in the Ladies Parlor

Barn lanterns are used to light the path to, My Old Historic House, for the party

Tour guides in Ante Bellum costumes  will greet you at the door.



  1. Sounds wonderful, and I always enjoy things like this. Hopefully next year. xo

  2. The apple certainly is worth celebrating and it seems that in Clarksville you really do it with style.

    I can just imagine your wonderful Historic House full of music, ladies in beautiful gowns and a spicy aroma of chilli.

    Enjoy the party and the festival.


  3. Oh Richard, I'd love to be at the Apple fest wearing those beautiful dresses in your house! What a nice Fest. So much fun and thank you for sharing this lovely post. Love,

  4. It sounds like so much fun! Wish I could be there.

    Hope you have a super turn out for the tour of you beautiful home! Have fun at your party.

    Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me, I'm sure she will get a lot of attention during the tours she is so precious!!


  5. I bet the apple fest is a blast, Richard! Wish I lived close enough to attend. Wow, it has got to be exciting to have your home on tour for everyone to see. Wish I lived close enough to do tha also.

  6. Richard that sounds just wonderful. It would be a fun weekend for those who attend. I love that your nieces dress up for the house tour. That plaid dress is my favorite. Have fun!

  7. Richard, This sounds like so much fun! I am sure your beautiful home will be the highlight of the festival. Take lots of pictures to share with us.

  8. As always I love the photos. I really wish I could be there for the festival but the "Last Train" had just pulled out.
    (Sorry - I just had to say that!)

  9. Richard I so wish I lived close by I would help you out and take the tour!! Sounds like a real good time, I love the Autumn and the apples that go with it. Good luck! Pearl

  10. Being on a house tour is so much work..or at least it was for me when I did a christmas one. all my sister in laws helped me. love the pics of the girls in their dresses. Rhonda showed my pics of the apple festival on line today! if I can talk my husband in for a sunday drive we might be up!

  11. Oh Richard I wish I could come, it looks like a lovely event. I do hope some of your blogging friends get to come. Please take lots of pictures! Kiss Sissy for me.

  12. The Apple Fest sounds like so much fun. It looks like a wonderful community event. Wish I could be there to raise a glass of cider. Good luck and I hope you have lots of visitors...and customers. :)

  13. Looks like a fun time, and that chilli supper sounds yummy.

  14. Richard,

    What a marvelous weekend this must be and I feel a pang of regret for not living closer and being able to experience it all for myself. And while I am sure the Apple Festival itself is very nice I think I would most enjoy the Selznick style production at the Elgin / Cottrell House. A stately home, a bevy of belles, a masterfully played baby grand, and the mighty Mississippi as a backdrop, how inspiring it all sounds. In place of being in attendance I send wishes for blue sky’s and fair weather. – gary

  15. Apple Fest sounds like a blast... alas, here in the Desert we can't grow Apples because there's no frost & they don't bear fruit without it. I remember eating Crabapples as a Child when we lived back East 'til my tummy ached, but Lord they were good! Too bad they don't sell them in the stores, I loved the tart taste!

    As Autumn approaches our Desert Gardens will be waking up when everyone else's Gardens go to sleep for the Fall/Winter, its reverse here, I can finally get out into the Garden & tend to it properly once our temps finally get below 100 degrees... still waiting though, not quite there yet!

    So sweet to see your other fur baby that has now passed from Time into Eternity... I sure miss my Rat Boy, after 20 years it just seems she left a huge void in our Home & my Heart when she recently departed.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  16. Hello Richard, I have been in Clarksville some time ago. My SIL lives in Gladstone MO. When we visit her next May I am coming to see your lovely home.

    The festival sounds wonderful and your beautiful Antebellum girls are beautiful too. It is wonderful that your SIL and nieces offer to give the tours of your beautiful home.
    Sissy is a very cute dog/person. Smile!
    Hugs, Jeanne

    Richard, I posted a beautiful old farm in MI that has a Wool Festival every Fall. I think you will enjoy this lovely place.

  17. HI Richard! Oh, I wanna come! I guess I could take "The Last Train to Clarksville"! :) I always think in songs! :)
    What a tribute to our most wonderful apples and I'll bet the ones in your area are just the best!
    Love seeing all of the beautiful ladies in their lovely dresses and a very handsome gent poked in the back! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Hi Richard, oh I wish I could pop over for such a fun event. Your family is lovely.. what remarkable changes you've made to the Historic House.. love it..hugs ~lynne~

  19. Hi Richard,

    Wow, your house is amazing! I'm so glad to see an exterior view of it. You've really done a lot of good work on it. Your nieces look so pretty -- the costumes are just lovely. I love anything antebellum! This Apple Fest looks like such fun. I love fall fairs and festivals; in fact I just did a post on that subject. I live a long way from Missouri, I'm afraid, or otherwise I would love to attend the festival and tour your wonderful old home.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm glad you liked the house. Have a great week.


  20. Richard I am really going to try and make it up there Oct 8th , however that is right before my trip to Savannah and my entire family thinks I need to make the rounds and see them before I leave on any trip

    I think all your ladies are beautiful in their historic dresses

    and oh Prissy on the porch being built , so sweet but sad


  21. Hello Richard!
    If we lived within 300 miles of you, we'd be there for Apple Fest and a tour of your wonderful home.
    LOVE the nieces in their gorgeous costumes.
    They look so pretty!

    Every girl's fantasy -- being a Southern Belle!

    And Long Island misses you too, I am sure. When you hit the lottery, come on up! It's all still here.

    Just don't forget to take the ferry from Sag Harbor, to Shelter Island, then over to Greenport and check out OUR fork!

    All the best -- Cass

  22. Hello Richard,
    You have a fantastic house - I know all the work that goes into restoring a beauty like that - you've done a marvelous job - how fun to share your house during this AppleFest! The ladies look beautiful - so wish I lived nearby! Hope you have a wonderful time,

  23. Richard,
    It must be so nice to live in a nice quiet town, with so few people.
    I sure would love to come and visit and check out all the historic sites, including your beautiful home.
    Ever see any ghosts haunting your rooms?
    Your sister did a lovely job of creating those antebellum dresses!
    Have fun, my friend!


  24. Hello Richard....Your photos are splendid. Ohhhhh, those dresses your nieces are wearing are gorgeous! Bet the house tours are just awesome. Thanks for sharing. Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com

  25. This sounds wonderful. A house tour would be amazing. We have a huge auction to go to on the 8th, but if I've still got a bit of energy left, I'm thinking a trip to Clarksville would be wonderful.

    I'm just over in the other Pike. If you'd like, you can visit my blog at www.theoldblockhouse.blogspot.com

    Now a blog follower.

  26. I loved seeing all these photos Richard. The little room is a gem!

    We would love to drive up for the festival, but we won't be able to this year. J is doing the KC Tootsie Roll Drive early Sat. After that we will be leaving for a few days.

    Hope you have lots of visitors!
