Thursday, June 16, 2011

Is it Sterling?????

French Sterling Tea set bought at a St.Louis,Mo. Estate Sale. Tray was not with it, I added it latter and it, like most trays, is plate.

Ms. Susie's English Sterling Punch set. Found in her closet in a pillow slip.

I think this was a Dog Show trophy at one time. I bought it at an auction in Chicago and it was really reasonable. I did not know when I bought it, that it was sterling. Found the marks latter. So was a real find.

I found the sterling pheasants at the ABC Carpet and Hope store in New York city. They have an antique section. I went over board on these. I might need a doctor!
   When I had my antique shop in St.Louis, I always carried a lot of  silver items. Large epergnes, tea sets, flat ware and punch sets. The first  question most customer would ask, is, "Is it sterling." More often  than not, it was not, sterling, but silver plate. Some people just don't seem to get it.They are both wonderful, and some of the old silver plate pieces are far more wonderful,  than most sterling pieces, and are actually affordable.  I  have had, a love-hate relationship, with silver for many years. I love how it looks when all shined up, bright and pretty, but, hate when I have to do all that polishing to make it that way. Over the years, I have weeded out the silver garden and have kept only a few favorite pieces. I thought, let some one else polish and love you.If you are looking for perfectly polished silver, don't continue on this post. I do the best I can.
    Because of the memories they evoke for us, I think antique silver objects are often among our most treasured things. Handed down from one generation to the next, they become one of the threads in a family history. Often, when I had my shop, 35-40 year old couples would call and want to sell there mother's flatware. I would always say," when you grow up", you may wish you had this. My Mother never had any sterling flatware, but if she had, and had given it to me, I bet you're life, I would never have sold it. I would want to pass it down to the next generation.

All the spouts are Eagle heads.

   Silver is also a part of special celebrations-the festive punch bowl and its generous ladle at Christmas, the gleaming silver coffee urn on the side board at an anniversary dinner or a simple salt and pepper shaker set on a everyday table. These pieces travel with us through our lives, growing older with a special grace.
    My punch set was found in the bottom of a cloths closet. A very dear friend, who had once been part of a very well to do family, had fell on hard times. She was forced to live in a carriage house and do housework for her rent. She died there and I had the task to clean out her things. I found this beautiful punch set in a pillow slip under piles of cloths. I knew I should give it to her family, but in the end,I thought,I'm the one that loved her, looked after her,gave her a funeral,so I felt I should have it, in her memory. It is English Sterling and it has a proud place in my Dining Room. When I use it, and I often do, I always raise a cup and say," here's to you Susie!"
    I like to use a silver pitcher to serve water at my everyday meals, nothing looks lovelier than the silver beaded with moisture as I set and have dinner.
    When buying or collecting silver, I study a piece and there are three criteria that must be met. It must have a good design, fine craftsmanship and be in good condition. After this-labels enter in, age,makers mark, historical connections, rarity of form and anything else that makes the piece special,.my mind is looking and weighing and judging all these criteria at the same time. One can always find  marvelous pieces, you need an open mind to get out and discover them. Since the price of sterling has risen to all time high, it makes it a little harder to snatch a bargain. Sterling is selling to day at $35.47 a troy once. Makes people want to sell there old things, which is so sad, as you know they are going to melt them down and they will be lost for ever. A troy once is the way silver is weighed, it is far more complictaed than this, but basically, they subtract the weight of the alloy, from the total weight of an piece, and that is the troy once. My sterling, French, hand chased tea set, was a real find. I went to an Estate sale,  several days before it opened to the public. The set was wonderful, I knew I wanted it, but, could not have ever been able to pay the amount they had on it. I left a low bid and said, that's all I can do. Well, at the end of the sale, I got a call and I had won the bid. Today it is one of my most prized items.

I loved the dog, that is why I bid on this item.
This coffee urn came from a antique show in Chicago. I  did the show and I loved this piece. I could not really afford it, but the dealer that had it, did some horse trading for it, (I learned that from my Daddy.) The handles are stag heads.

   Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% of silver and 7.5%, by mass, of another metal, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum of 925 sterling. It is basically  agreed that sterling originated in Continental Europe, and was being used for commerce as early as  the 12 century. In England, as early as 1158 during the reign of Henry the 1st. The first legal defination of sterling appeared in 1275, when a degree from Edward 1st, specified that 12 ounces of silver for coinage should contain,11 ounces of silver and 1 ounce of an alloy. Silver alone is very soft and  would never hold up with out the alloy.
   Around 1840- United states and Europe were using sterling flat ware to set a proper table. And there was a marked increase in the number of silver makers at that time.The craze for sterling made companies make paper clips,pencils,letter openers,calling card holders,cigarette cases and boudoir pieces.
    Over the years, some countries have developed a system of hall marking silver. This would indicate the purity of silver, identify the silver smith and date/and or location of the manufacture.The standard mark of English sterling is of a lion Passant , the form of a lion walking, to the left, with one foot up. It was introduces in 1544 and guarantees the the 92.5 percent sterling standard.
     As the purity of the silver decreases, the problem of tarnishing increases. Chemically, silver is not very reactive-it does not react with oxygen or water, so it does not easily tarnish. However, the other metals in the alloy, usually copper, may react with oxygen in the air and cause the silver piece to tarnish.
     There are several  terms that are common with silver: Repousse', is a process used to roughly emboss a metal object from the back or inside with  larger punches than those used in chasing. Basically mean, push out. Chasing, is a technique of detailing the front surface of silver with various hammer stuck punches. Hand forged, is a process that has as it's primary purpose the alteration of the original thickness of metal. This usually is through hammering. Forming, is changing a sheet of metal into a three-dimensional object. Sinking, is hammering a flat sheet of metal into a bowl shaped form to create a concave piece of metal.
   The first silver smiths were coin makers. Latter they developed there trade to making useful and beautiful objects.

There is a Eagle on the top of each piece.

I don't really polish these. I like them this way. I do hit them a lick or two while I am doing other polishing.

    Sterling  on todays market is selling for $35.45 a troy ounce. Last year silver has more than doubled, more like a 80% increase in price. This is all figured in troy ounces, which is the weight of a piece less the weight of the alloy metal. I am so sad that they never consider the age, craftsmanship and beauty, they just consider the dollar value. Please stop people from melting our precious Sterling treasures. Money is not every thing.
   Thanks for stopping by, My Old Historic House. I hope you enjoy this tour and my Sterling. Come by any time for a real tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a Kiss. Heck, we will even have some punch from Susie's punch set.
   Finally, I did a post around Memorial Day ,about a shopping trip, I made to buy mercandise for my gift shop. Well all my great stuff was delivered yesterday and I have it priced and in place. I have included a photo to share my joy. Come shop sometime.
This is some of my new stuff, that I found at the importer shop, in Jacksonville,Ill. I think it all makes a nice grouping. 


  1. Richard, your silver is incredible. I have a couple of family pieces, wish I had more. I've been collecting a few pieces here and there when the price is right and I know it has a home after I purchase it. As always I enjoy my visit when I stop by your beautiful home.. be sure to give our Miss Sissy a pat on the head and a hug... hugs ~lynne~

  2. Richard I always come away from your blog learning something new....As well as having stars in my eyes from all the beauti-liciousness! *winks* Strangely I never really got into buying silver items.....The beautiful epergnes like yours always cost nearly as much as a house! Lol! But I certainly love that sparkle! As always you have an amazing collection! I want to be just like you when I grow up *winks*

    Is that mirror in your bathroom the one like mine?.....I have to go back and see because I LOVE that mirror of yours! AND the new french chairs in your shop are gorgy!!! Vanna

  3. P.S. Hugs and kisses to Miss Sissy girl!

  4. Hi Richard, thanks for stopping by. I would love to have a silverplated tea set, and I would flip if I had even one silver pheasant. I kept my parents' wedding silverplate flatware. I will be doing a post with it soon. I saw it on EBay and was a little shocked. How is Miss Sissie?

  5. You have a beautiful collection of silver.
    I got rid of most of mine silver years ago - got tired of polishing.

  6. As always I loved seeing your stunning collection. How in the world do you keep it all so nicely polished? I'm afraid that I'm guilty of not using the few pieces of silver I have...I should get it all out and polish it up. You may have inspired me!

  7. I love vintage silver, sterling and plate. You have a beautiful collection. Yes, it is a shame that such craftsmanship is overlooked. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I love silver! Your collection is amazing. I adore Susie's punch bowl, any punch would taste better being served in it!!! Currently I don't own any silver. I did have my Great Grandmothers silver flatware, but a few years ago when I had to put my belongings in storage I gave it to my niece. She is like me and loves all the things passed down in the family so it got a good home.

    Wish I was closer to Missouri so I could come drool over the French chairs in your shop. They are to die for!! Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!

  9. Stunning photos, Richard. Oh my. You have some magnificent pieces. That first set is a heart-sstopper. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  10. Hello Richard

    What an interesting post and what impressive pieces of silver.

    I love silver but apart from cutlery and tableware I limit myself to small pieces: mainly snuff boxes, vinaigrettes and wine lables - and yes, I always ask if it is sterling and check the hallmarks.


  11. Beautiful silver, I enjoyed your history of silver.I got rid of a lot of mine years ago,hope someone is enjoying it. Of course I kept the family pieces.

  12. Your silver is amazing. I haven't seen large wonderful pieces like that since I was on a home tour in Georgia. (Atlanta area)

    Lovely grand ol' house.

  13. Hello Richard,
    Beautiful! Very touching story about the punch bowl (my favorite piece).
    I agree, family pieces should stay in the family, but I'm glad they made it into your home where they are appreciated and shared with the world.
    Well done!

  14. You have some beautiful pieces. I'm glad you kept the punch bowl set. It probably would have been melted down long ago if you hadn't. We have a set of vintage silver plate flatware that belonged to Jeff's Nanny. We treasure it.

  15. Richard, Sterling silver is one of my favorite things to own. I don't even mind polishing it. The one thing in this world I'd love to have is a piece of "Southern silver". Most of my pieces of non-southern silver are odds and ends I've collected. Nothing special, Years ago at yard sales, I'd pick up serving spoons, etc. to use for parties. Most were a dollar or so.
    Since I don't have too many pieces from my family, I always say the reason is that Sherman got it all when he marched through Georgia during the Civil War. lol I know that corny.
    I really enjoyed your post,
    Have a great weekend and I hope the river has receded,

  16. That is a beautiful collection of silver Richard. You sure do find some DELICIOUS antiques. Thanks for sharing....Julian

  17. What an informative, post, Richard. Thanks a lot. Your pieces are so beautiful and exquisite. I have a similar tea and coffee set with the eagle on top and I always wanted to know more about them....Christine

  18. Thank you Richard I had no idea about silver, you have enlighted me. It's so nice to know more about this business and you have great knowledge. Your pieces are gorgeous,I really love the tea set its so detailed. Thanks, Pearl

  19. Wow! You have some amazing peices. I have many pieces of sterling and plate - most inherited, but none so big or eleaborate.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Oh, to have such beautiful pieces to pass along.
    Richard you are truly a fantastic treasure hunter.
    I love your post and your blog.Following you.Come and visit sometime.
    Best to you,

  21. Your punch bowl set is magnificent and I am glad you got it. I also covet those birds! How fabulous. I only have a few pieces of good silver and cherish them. And I also love what good silver plate I have too. During the holidays I saw lots of bloggers buying cheap plastic silver charges at the Dollar store, which is fine, but I decided to "hunt" for inexpensive silver plate bottoms that were lost to their tea service sets. They have been pretty inexpensive as I find them and have collected six so far. I had a small dinner party the other night and used them as the charges under every day white ironstone dinner plates. Lots and lots of compliments. :) I so enjoy reading your wonderful informative posts.

  22. I discovered you and your lovely home through the feature in VICTORIAN HOMES magazine, and am absolutely in love with all that you've done with your home. This information on the silver was terrific. A few years ago, a dear friend introduced me to silver. Now I love it and collect all that I can. I don't polish a lot, but there's something a bit virtuous about sitting in front of the TV at night (maybe twice a year) and polishing, polishing, polishing. In March, I met an antiques dealer in Arkansas who offered me a sterling 8 pc tea set, saying if he couldn't sell it he was going to have it melted for scrap. I couldn't buy it at the time, and yet I agree with you that people should not be throwing this beauty and craftsmanship away. I wish I could save it all for future generations. Meanwhile, you've inspired me to start using my silver pitcher for water. And good for you, saving Miss Susie's punch bowl!

  23. Collecting vintage silver, sterling and plate are my hobby. The silver bird and the grouping system very impressive work.
    sell my car

  24. I really enjoyed your post. Everything is fabulous. I do have a few pieces but very plain. I am more electic. I live in a 175 year old 5th generation on my husbands sidehome So its more of a cottage side but I am more confortable with a little bit of old and new. Thanks for stopping by.
