Saturday, February 12, 2011

Roses and Cranberry Glass

   The guest bath at, My Old Historic House, AKA, The 1845 Historic Elgin/Cottrell House Museum, was the first room I did after I bought the house, in the spring of 2007. The bath that was there, was, well shall we say , "A Mess!". This room was originally part of the upstairs entrance hall. When the house was built in 1845 with an 1860 addition, there was no bath rooms. So when that invention came around ,a room had to be made. A wall was added at the top of the stairs. I did what is called a "living restoration", because I live in the home, it must have things like a bath room. Even though it was not originally there, I have tried to make it blend in.This is a very nice size room and has a big floor to ceiling window with a great view of the Mississippi River. The window raises up and you can stoop down and go out onto the second floor porch. My guest can soak in the tub and watch the Delta Queen go by.
   I have collected Hand Painted China with roses for years. I had a Bed and Breakfast called Rose Haven where everything was roses. And at one time I had an antique shop that I named Rose Cottage. It was in a 1845 Antebellum cottage.
 I sold a lot of things, but things with roses was my main theme.
I have also had a long time love affair with  Victorian Cranberry Glass. I just love the way the color comes to life, when it is held in the light. I have bought and sold cranberry glass for years. Some how I came up with a lot of cranberry water pictures. So when I finished the guest bath at ,My old Historic House, I thought it would be the perfect place to house my rose china and cranberry glass collection.
   Be sure to look at the blog post I did just before this one, as it is from my gift shop and I have roses and cranberry glass items for sale.

Guest Bath Room at The 1845 Historic Elgin/Cottrell House.

A shelf goes all around holding cranberry glass and hand painted rose china.

Pink Crystal Chandelier from Italy.

Hand Painted piece was on display at the 1904 Worlds Fair in St.Louis.

A life size china bust of Queen Victoria's daughter Vicky.

I found a pair of these French Wall sonces in New Orleans.

A pair of Old Paris Vases.

Italian Pink Crystal Chandlier with ornante ceiling madalion above.

Hand painted with roses Slop Jar


View out my guest bath room window of Mississippi River

French Brass Cornice.

   In 1860 bath rooms would have  been rather plain. That is why I chose the beadboard for the walls. I did not feel that tile would look just right. The ceilings in my house are 12 feet tall. I ran the beadboard up 8 feet and added a shelf all the way around for, you guessed it, cranberry glass and hand painted china.The rest of the walls I painted a solf pink color and to the floor I added Tennessee  pink marble. The finishing touch  is the Italian  pink crystal chandelier.It hangs  below a very fancy ceiling madalion. I found an antique French Cabinet for the sink, and the rest just fell into place.
   I think my guest bath room with all that hand painted rose china and cranberry glass was just what I needed to blog about for Valentines Day coming up. I hope you enjoy the tour. Please come by anytime. I will leave the light on and Sissy Dog will meet you at the door with a jump and a kiss.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful bathroom tour!

  2. Hi Richard, I luv your beautiful collection of painted roses! What gorgeous finds and Thank You for sharing them for Valentines. Stay warm out there........Julian

  3. Loving your China collection with Rose scenes. Still smiling about your comment about about old house pre-bathrooms era... we too bought an old Home and obviously when it was 1st built they used outhouses so the indoor bathrooms were added much later and are cubby sized rooms tucked in where ever space permitted! *LOL* Well, at least it makes them easy rooms to do a complete redecorating project on anytime! *wink* Your bathroom looks just beautiful. Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. Beautiful bathroom Richard! Oh boy do I love all those beautiful rose plates! And the rose old Paris porcelain vases...dreamy! Also that Italian chandy AND the French sconces! Vanna

  5. You have such exquisite taste, my friend. Such an eye for detail. Whenever I see a new post from you my heart quickens.
    Thank you for coming by to visit. We have been through a great deal this past week and I have not been inclined to dwell among the living. Your visit cheered me up.


  6. I love the pair of Old Paris porcelain vases the rose paintings on them are amazing!!!!
