Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Richard's Great Stuff Antiques and Gifts

1890-1900 oak secretary

New Easter Decorations just put out today.


Parlor table, Cherub panter

French Wire Plant Stand

Needlepoint French Chair

My 10,000 sq. ft. shop in St.Louis

A bunch of pretty stuff

French 3 tier stand pedestal,very sweet

Walnut 1880 Over The Mantle Mirror

Dog Stuff.

Wonderful Early  Quilt

Pretty Stuff

Easter Stuff

More Quilts

Kitchen Stuff

More Kitchen Stuff


My Niece found this sign and gave it to me for Christmas

This is the Store


The Entance to the Mississippi River Park just out side my shop door.
   I have this antique and gift shop along with My Old Historic House, AKA, The 1845 Historic Elgin/Cottrell House Museum in Clarksville ,Mo. I have had several comments from people wanting to see more pictures of my shop. Well, here there are. I hope you enjoy the tour. I just posted before this post, a bunch of stuff from the shop that I have for sale. So be sure and go by that pst also. Thanks for stopping by. Richard and Sissy Dog


  1. Richard your St Louis store was GRAND!! But your nbew store is sooo charming! If I lived closer that overmantel mirror would be coming home with me! And the french chair too! But I have my heart set on something else and you know what that is *winks* So my pennies dollars, and maybe 1st born will have to go towards that lol! Hugs and pets to Sissy Girl! Vanna

  2. Hi Richard, I'm here because of Gloria@ Happy to be Gloria! She's a real Sweetie and I LOVE the Wedding Dome she got from you... I'm your NEWEST FOLLOWER. I too "LOVE STUFF"! So I'll be watching! I'd LOVE to have you peek in on my blog and if you "Like", FOLLOW ME TOO!
    Have a wonderful week,

  3. Ooooh, I would love to walk and browse through your shop, Richard. Lots of pretties in there.....Christine

  4. Hi Richard, That is a beautiful shop and you have plenty of treasures! And the quilts are one of my favorites. Thank You for sharing your shop........Julian

  5. Hi Richard
    I visited Gloria this morning and saw the beautiful dome she ordered. That inspired me to revisit the post I did in 2008, when we toured your gorgeous home.

    It's at this link, at the Back Porch.

  6. You have lovely offereings for sale... Are you in your shop everyday? I would gladly come visit and find a treat if I were closer but if I am ever in the area for some reason I will remember you...Antique stores in our area are not doing very well.. It is hard for most to come up with the extra now days.. That includes myself... But we can dream...

  7. Enjoy yHi Richard,
    oh what LOVELY items you have !! especially the Roses.Eye catching to say the least.
    It indeed would be such a pleasure to meet you and see your home and shop,not to forget Sissy dog :-)
    give her a hug for me.
    PS:We might be taking a trip this summer ...who knows how far it will take us ?our day,

  8. Something went wrong here because I copied and pasted so I wouldn't loose my post again...something is wrong with my PC today.

  9. Hi Richard, I would love to walk thru your shop!
    Wish it were closer, but who knows maybe someday. I love the secretary! And I love old quilts.
    Have a nice day!

  10. Hi Richard, I've come by way of Gloria's blog. You have a lovely shop. It's nice to meet another fellow Missourian... I'm going back to check out your earlier posts..hugs ~lynne~

  11. May I ask the cost of the French 3-tier stand and whether or not shipping costs to PA would be outageous?
